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關於min excel的評價, MIN

[TUYỂN TRỢ LÝ TẠI HÀ NỘI] 🍀Mô tả công việc: -Dựa vào lịch trình làm việc được cung cấp trước, chủ độ...

關於excel min的評價, MIN

[TUYỂN TRỢ LÝ TẠI HÀ NỘI] 🍀Mô tả công việc: -Dựa vào lịch trình làm việc được cung cấp trước, chủ độ...

最近放完假回來normal life 蠻忙. 生活就是上班訓練上班訓練保養身體睡覺. 然後又重覆. 當然會有不想練的念頭 也有會想再睡多一點 睡懶覺就不練的念頭. 但一想到很多朋友都受傷 不能再玩了,或是像 Andy Murray 不能再打網球了 就提醒自己多幸福. 也很慶幸老天爺讓我都放棄了後, 還認識現在這麼多好朋友陪伴我追循我的夢想. 告訴自己不要浪費老天爺給你第二次的機會. 一提醒自己後,穿上單車服,踏上訓練台,身體醒了有節奏後,臉帶微笑,一切都自然了. #身體有極限但努力沒極限 #極光 #努力沒極限 After vacation time it’s back to normal life. Train work train work recover sleep. And it repeats. Of course I have these thoughts to take it easy and not train and sleep in a little@more. But I’d remind myself a lot of friends are too injured to keep going, or Andy Murray having to retire due to hip pain. I feel very fortunate to still enjoy what I do and excel. Also the fact that fate let me meet a ton of new friends to accompany me as I chase my dream, even after I decided to give up. With that said, I put on my cycling bob, get on my trainer, start pedaling, after a few min, I find my rhythm. There’s always a grim on my face. Because I’m not wasting my second chance.

最近放完假回來normal life 蠻忙. 生活就是上班訓練上班訓練保養身體睡覺. 然後又重覆. ...